Succeed in Ghana e. V. a non-profit organisation based in Kiel, Germanyinvites you to have the adventure of your life! Succeed in Ghana e. V. is dedicated to providing year round programs for international volunteers to interact in development process by involving in different activities which support to enrich the lives of deprived children in the communities of the districts.
Succeed in Ghana e. V. was registered in 2014 for the support of the Ghanaian Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) Menyiwa da wↃ do in Cape Coast and Elmina, Central Region and Community Based Organizations (CBO) AFRICED, Peki/Adzokoe, Volta Region both in Ghana. We are also collaborating with different other Partner Organizations in the district.
Menyiwa da wↃ do was founded under the Companies Act, 1963 (Act 179) under the Registrar Department of Ghana in 2012. Our intention is to bring hope to the needy children of the districts in Ghana and support them to participate in the society. We assist them to develop their god gifted talents and skills and raise their self-awareness of their role in the society. We strengthen their believes in themselves that, they can make it in life. Knowing, that the main effort to reach their dreams have to be made by themselves, we will give them the facilities to work on their own. Our major areas will take them through EDUCATION, HEALTH and SPORTS as well as through ARTS and CREATIVITY. This will lead to a proper understanding of the environment and reduces poverty.
AFRICED is a community based organisation that started in 2006 but was registered in 2008 by the Ministry of Local Governments in the South Dayi District of the Volta Region of Ghana.
Our mission is to provide a multi focused holistic approach to seeking social advancement of vulnerable children and families as well as broad scale societal institutions. We intend to develop and enhance social institutions, so that human needs are met at all levels of development.
Succeed in Ghana e. V. hopes to create and support a planned comprehensive economic and social development to help generate and sustain a caring and sharing society.
Volunteering abroad will enrich your experiences and give you an inside view of the work in other countries. Exchanging our knowledge will give all partners the opportunity to enhance their work in their particular fields. This helps us all to work towards the change we want to see in our communities.
There is an opportunity for you to volunteer in our various services and programs. As a High school student or graduated apprentice you can join one of our group planned learning trips abroad, OR you can volunteer as an individual.
Teachers and trainers: you are most welcome to organize a group of students or graduated apprentices for a trip abroad, and come along for FREE as a chaperone.
Group Trips
We encourage group placements in winter and summer for Sports-, Arts-, Social work-, Medical- and Teaching volunteering. We have flexible dates and last for at least 4 weeks. You can join a group abroad or form a group at your University.
Our Volunteer Programs include:
A. Preparation courses in Germany and in Ghana
B Orientation and itinerary for your stay with us
C. Airport pick up and drop off.
D. Home stay (meals and laundry) / Hotel or Guest House arrangements
E. Excursions to tourist sides and attractions
F. Certificate for participation
G. Daily debriefing exercise
If you have any unique skills or interest that may benefit the community please let us know and we will do our best to put them to good use.
Succeed in Ghana e. V. provides selected tour packages for volunteers in Ghana. We would provide you with a detailed itinerary of your program when you decide to volunteer on our program.
When you are interested to volunteer in our Organization please enquire for costs, opportunities of sponsorships for your volunteer placement and further information.
For requested costs[1]
Volunteer sponsorship:
One week stay on a project is 800.00 Euro or USD 900.00.
Two week stay on a project is 1,400.00 Euro or USD 1,600.00
Three week stay on a project is 1,800.00 Euro or USD 2,000.00
Four week stay on a project is 2,200.00 Euro or USD 2,500. 00
Each further week on a project is 600.00 Euro or USD 680.00
Group trips for two weeks are 1,200.00 Euro or USD 1,400.00 per person.
As non-profit organisation Succeed in Ghana e. V. is working on no - profit base. Succeed in Ghana e. V. is depending on grants and sponsorships to enable us implement our programs and projects. The funds for the projects are earmarked and you receive a direct output as in your placement as a volunteer. With your participation on our programs we give you the chance to develop and progress our projects. Your sponsorship is earmarked on the projects of our organization. This also includes the support of the host family and the community to raise their standard of living. This is important for us to make our projects sustainable and enable the people in the community to take over the projects by themselves in the near future.
Another part of your sponsorship goes in your tour package, which includes transportation, lodging and entrance fees in selected tourist sites. Also too provide you with the best possible service part of the funds will go in the organizational activities of Succeed in Ghana e. V.
If you have any unique skills or interest that may benefit the community please let us know and we will do our best to put them to good use.
Note: Volunteers will have to pay own flight, visa extension charges, vaccination travel insurance according to the rules and regulations of Ghana.
You will need a weekly budget of up to 30.00 Euro or USD 35.00 to cater for all your other expenses like bottled water, personal items, beverages and entertainment.
Further information for volunteer
To become a volunteer you strictly have to follow our philosophy and our rules of ethic. This is necessary to achieve our goals and objectives.
After reading it please ask yourself before you apply if your own perception accords with ours and if you are prepared to comply with them. If you say “yes” than you are the right person for our programs and you should request for our application form.
Succeed in Ghana e. V. supports the needy children, youth and women in the areas. We assist them to develop their skills and create self-awareness about their role in the society. Their participation in the society shall be enforced. Contrary to the German culture where government or organization lobby for children and woman rights this is often missing in Ghana.
Especially in underprivileged families children are not considered as persons who have to be respected, loved and taken care of. They are often left alone without proper guidance from their parents and the environment. Most of these children attend public schools where the classrooms are overcrowded. Teachers are dealing sometimes with up to 50 children in a class. These public schools do not have adequate facilities and resources to guide and monitor the development of these kids in and out of school.
Lack of parental guidance and attention has led to children begging tourists for money to have a meal and other needs. These children always miss school or don’t go to school at all and have no prospects for their future.
Women’s role in Ghana is often not recognized and appreciated. They are mostly often seen as the one who gives birth to the children and take care of the house. Lots of them don’t have an adequate education. They left school early because of early pregnancy or the need to work on farms or others to take care of the family.
Particularly in Cape Coast, which is the hub of tourism of Ghana white people are considered as rich and therefore as a resource to gain money whether with begging or criminal attempts. This leads often in a conflict and is a source of annoyance.
We believe giving the children money is not the solution to solve their problems. Therefore Succeed in Ghana e. V. brings the money which comes from sponsors and grants only direct in the programs and not direct to them or their families. We are convinced that the children have to become more responsible for their own lives. We want to achieve this with our programs with which we want to give them a perspective in their live and a future.
Succeed in Ghana e. V. does not want to take off the responsibility of the parents and the society for their children and women. What we rather want to achieve is creating an understanding and awareness why it is important let them participate in the society and give them a voice. Therefore we expect from our volunteers to be a strong convincing personality. You give the children their needed respect and love but in a way which also gives them limits so they see you as somebody they can trust and follow.
The women you must see as a grown-up person like you and face them with respect on the same level. You are patient and understanding in the way you listen and talk to them. Create a confidence to let them know that it is never too late to learn.
As you see this document is written in English. We expect fluent speaking English and the willingness to learn the local languages. We further expect openness for the new environment, friendliness and humor.
You should be creative and have your own ideas since you must know that in Ghana often things turn out different than you plan. However, you should be structured and clear in what you want to achieve. If you are also a person who is down-to-earth, full of ideas and curious then you can take home a full box of positive experiences.
As a volunteer you can work as a Field Co-ordinator (preferable when you studying a field which is part of our program or have proven experiences like a trainer’s license or an apprenticeship in occupational therapy, nurse etc.). If you just graduated from High school we offer you to work as a field officer in the various programs. All volunteers will be under the head of our program co-ordinator.
Succeed in Ghana e. V. offers you a new experience, your own space to develop yourself, guided tours and of cause enough time to explore environments on your own. You will never be left alone with your worries and fears. You will soon find out that the people of Ghana are warm and welcoming and cooperative.
Codes of Ethic
(defines the general moral principles and rules of behavior for all members of Succeed in Ghana e. V.
The organization shall be manned by persons of integrity, trained to a high standard to deliver a comprehensive equitable service for the benefit of the children, the women and the society as a whole.
- All Members shall be competent, dedicated, honest, client-focused and operate within the law of the land.
- All Members shall respect the Rights of children, women, colleagues and other persons and shall safeguard children’s confidence.
- All Members shall work together as a team to best serve children’s and women’s interest, recognizing and respecting the contributions of others within the team.
- All Members shall co-operate with the children, women, their families and schools at all times.
- No member shall discriminate against children and women on the grounds of the nature of illness, disability, culture, ethnicity, language, race, age, gender, religion, etc. in the course of performing their duties.
- All Members shall respect confidential information obtained in the course of their duties. They shall not disclose such information without the consent of the child, their parents or guardian and the women except where the disclosure of information is required by law or is necessary in the public interest.
- All Members shall treat official discussions, correspondence or reports obtained during official duties as confidential except where disclosure is required by law.
- All information obtained from children, parents, guardians and teachers and women shall only be used for the prime purpose of their management. Any other use of such information shall only be done with the prior consent of the Organization, child or person(s) entitled to act on his/her behalf.
- All Members shall provide information regarding child’s and woman’s condition and management to children and women or their accredited representatives humanely and in the manner they can understand.
- All Members shall protect the properties of the Organization including properties entrusted in their care.
- All Members shall respect the rights and abilities of disabled persons and the aged and work together to serve or safeguard their interest.
- All Members shall keep their professional knowledge and skills up to date.
- No Members shall demand unauthorized fees from children, their parents/guardians, women or others.
- No Members shall accept any gift, favour or hospitality from the child, its parents/guardian and the women which might be interpreted as seeking to exert undue influence to obtain preferential consideration in the course of their duty.
- All Members shall refrain from all acts of indiscipline including drunkenness, smoking, immorality, abuse of drugs and pilfering in the course of performing their duties.
- All Members shall avoid the use of their professional qualifications in the promotion of commercial products.
- All Members shall act in collusion with any other person for financial gain.
- Service facilities and resources shall not be used for unauthorized private practice.
If you are interested to join us apply to one of the following addresses weather per post mail, e-mail or whatsapp. We get back to you as soon as possible.
I (name) apply as a volunteer at the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Succeed in Ghana e. V. Kiel, Germany